About me

Hi, I’m Jo!

I currently live in Edinburgh, the 5th city I’ve called home now.

My relationship with money is like Scotland’s landscape: full of ups and downs, some flat bits and plenty of puddles – all of which I have stepped into.

Having moved to a different country 3 times, I’ve collected experience in what works and what doesn’t.
I’ve travelled for months on end by myself and with my partner, I’ve had student and credit card debt, and less than £10 in my bank account at one point. I’ve also saved for a 6-month trip and a relocation in 2 years on minimum wage in London (such a gorgeous but expensive city to live in).

I paid off debts, created emergency and retirement funds, and lived in gorgeous places in four nations. It wasn’t always easy, and I’ve had to prioritise a lot. But it’s taught me that I can achieve any money goal I set my mind to.
And that’s not because I’m oh-so-great, but because there are ways, methods, tools and habits that work.

Wanting to change my career from hospitality to something where I could genuinely help people as an entrepreneur, I didn’t think of becoming a financial coach right away. As soon as I did (gotta love what deadlines can do), I finally saw the forest for the trees.
  • I adore money management and the impact it can have.
  • Working in hospitality refined my listening and people skills.
  • I am great at planning and asking the right questions (not to brag).
  • Making complex things more simple is my JAM.
  • I am patient and resourceful, and finally:
  • I have gone through many money ups and downs and challenges, tried many methods, and learned to make money last a long while to reach my goals.
So I set out to learn the skills of the trade, and finally, here we are!

I can’t wait to help reduce the stress and worry in your life and get you where you want to be in the world. If you have a finite income and are setting out to smash some life goals, we might just be a match made in heaven.

What people say

Compared to before the Trailblazer session, I feel defo more confident, reassured that I`m on the right path. The budget sheet was excellent.
Trailblazer Jan 2023
Jo responded to my subjects, listened, thought about them, and put in her suggestions. In doing so she always paid attention to whether she understood my concern correctly and whether her proposal could be of use to me or whether I would like to address it. You can be confident in your products and solution you offer 🙂
Lisa M.
Trailblazer Feb 2023

Financial Coach Academy

Business Management

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